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Dezhou Wantuo Heavy Industry Machinery Co.,Ltd.

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Asphalt emulsifying agent.

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Asphalt emulsified agent is a surfactant used to produce emulsified asphalt. Its chemical structure consists of lipid-based groups and hydrophotaki groups. It can be adsorption to the interface between asphalt particles and water, thereby significantly reducing the free energy of the interface between asphalt and water. It is a surfactant that allows it to form a uniform and stable emulsion: a small amount of addition can make its surface form water. Tension is greatly reduced, can significantly change the interface properties and state of the system, resulting in a series of effects, such as wetting, emulsification, foaming, washing, dispersion, anti-static, lubrication and solution, so as to meet the requirements of practical application.

  • Asphalt emulsifying agent.

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Dezhou Wantuo Heavy Industry Machinery Co.,Ltd.

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1M - 2M

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Business type
  • Importer / Trading Company

  • Emulsified asphalt equipment

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Eric Lee
  • icone de telefone +86 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker 德州市 / 山东省 | China

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