Everything from Beans, Grains & Cereals to coffee products.
Cottonseed oil is extracted from the seeds of cotton and widely used in cooking...
Yellow corn is a variety of sweet corn. Its ends are wrapped in husks of a very...
Supply of Soybeans We can provide soybeans both in bulk vessels and in...
Supply of Yellow Corn We can provide soybeans both in bulk vessels and in...
Pasture Seeds – Dunamis, a unique product from Milagro Agro Brasil Stolons...
Excellence of Brazilian Soy: Soy is more than just a grain; it represents a...
🌱 Moringa Oleifera is called the "tree of life" or "miracle tree" and is...
Soybeans in grains used for human and animal feed
Suitable for medium fertility soils Tolerates poorly drained soils Produces...
Large size and adapts well to medium fertility soils The most used and well-...
High animal support capacity Highly acclimated – Especially in Cerrados...
Highly productive grass, grows quickly; careful management needed as...
We offer GMO and non-GMO soybeans available for export with a minimum order of...
High soil fertility (Phosphorus demanding) Planting conditions and depth (2 cm...
Corn in Grains used for human and animal feed.
Soybean is one of the most valued commodities globally, especially the non-...
Soybean for the domestic and foreign market MOQ: 12,500 MT Orders...
Silos Metlicos High The body and roof hopper bins are produced in...
Our company can carry out your quotation with the best Brazilian and Argentine...
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