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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

In 1955, Mr. Joseph Vitor Nacamuli inaugurated Eletromecânica Dyna, manufacturing, initially, electronic components and dynamos.
When the automotive industry arrived in the country, the visionary businessperson started manufacturing blades.

Dyna is proud of having a pathway marked by its innovating capability. It became a leader in Brazil and one of the most important manufacturers in the global market.
This was only possible due to the courage and ability of assuming risks and daring looking for the best solutions for organization and for society.
Their three plants (Dyna Guarulhos, Dynaminas and Dynapar) are equipped with the best technology, with the objective of generating integrated economical and social results, while also preserving the environment. Dyna continuously aims at building relationships with mutual respect and trust, prizing transparency with its partners – collaborators, consumers, clients or suppliers.

Dyna became the largest domestic blade manufacturer, always focused on its clients’ success, committed to always search for new alternatives for exceeding expectations and preparing itself for a future with a lot more achievements.

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Business type

  • dyna
  • manufacturing blades

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Evandro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Guarulhos / SP | Brazil

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