Inspired by our Founder, Shawndria McCoy, Jace Kenedy was born out of challenge - challenges of women who have smaller than usual or larger than expected feet and who bear the burdens of uncomfortable shoes. These challenges persist in unenjoyable shoe shopping experiences often filled with a daunting and boring game of hide and seek. Shawndria suffers with these same woes, having had large feet all of her life. Early into middle school she wore a size 11, which quickly progressed to a size 12 before high school, and a size 13 soon thereafter. She struggled to find shoes in her size - shoes that not only accommodated her size, but that were comfortable and offered her the beauty and femininity a woman longs for in fashion.
This experience is not horded by a lone ranger, but is shared by millions of women across the globe. Shawndria heard the pains and cries of these women and has established our brand as a call of relief. We want all women to enjoy fashion, to have the opportunity to slide her feet in shoes she love, that conforms to her foot, and that gives her the spark of confidence in her daily warddrobe routine.
We welcome shoes that offer comfort, affordability, and accessibility all with a chic look. We are inclusive of all women, not just the "popular" sizes. We offer US sizes 4-13.