Established in 2007, GUANGZHOU BELYS LEATHER CO.,LIMITED is an industrial corporation engaged in design,development, production and distribution. we have more than 200 employees including intelligent technicians and workers with many years' experience in making handbags.
Our company is one of the major handbag manufacturers that integrate purchasing, trade & production. Our main products are cosmetic bags, gift bags, handbags, traveling bags, leisure bags, wallets and other packaging products.In addition, our products are sold at home and abroad such as Asia, America and Europe.
We follow:
Quality--We are in professional technology, advanced production equipment and modern management mode so as to improve our products',quality and production efficiency.
Innovation--We have independent developing department and to get latest product's information,
providing customers with more information needs of product development and design creativity.
Services-- Promote the company's overall competitiveness, in high demand of product quality and innovation,providing customers with more information needs of product development and design creativity.
Under the systematic management of largescaled industrialization, we have been devoting ourselves to the international competition steadily.
Sincerely welcome to establish good business relationships with us and create our bright future together.