How Does It Work?

The essential foreign trade platform for importers
and exporters!

Our foreign trade solutions help thousands of businesses around the world promote, connect, negotiate and transact. No matter the size of your company, we have international trade solutions that adapt to your requirements.

Our goal is to help micro, small, and medium-sized businesses engage in international business, whether it's finding new suppliers or opening up new markets to sell

Sign Up for Free Icone de seta

Free Registration
It's easy to find the best international suppliers!

Browse and search companies, products and leads to easily find the best international suppliers


Register your company's information

Register quickly - after a few steps-o be able to optimize use of the platform’s tools and algorithm. Registration is Free!


Import, export, or both?

Set up your company's profile to buy, sell or do both, according to your needs.


Start doing business

After registration is complete, you’re all set to use the platform to connect to other companies and receive sales offers and/or purchase requests

Frequently Asked Questions
About Our Platform

  • I've successfully registered, what's next?

    After completing registration, you will access your account dashboard, where you can manage all the information about your company and your products, and your online presentation that is publicly available. Depending on whether you are a buyer or seller, you will have various options, and you should start by adding information about yourself, your company, and your products (if you are a seller). Your dashboard contains indicators to show you shows your progress in completing your online profile. The Negotiation Central area is where you can access, read and respond to messages, requests and offers, and your dashboard reports activity statistics that track the business contacts.

Have more questions? Visit our FAQs area.