Safe Practices,
Stay Safe
and Informed!

Tips and guidelines to ensure your
safety in various situations

Contact and Negotiate with Confidence

B2Colombia's main goal is to facilitate contact between companies, connecting importers and exporters from various parts of the world, making your experience safe and simple. In all transactions, whether as an importer or exporter, you will need to make decisions to get a good return on your business.

Now, you will find some safety tips and resources that can help make your experience on B2Colombia protected and secure.

Take Precautions

Some basic precautions are essential to avoid online frauds and scams, such as conducting a brief research on your potential business partner. Research their references on the internet, gather data, and even check reviews from other customers, significantly reducing the chances of making a bad deal.

If the foreign company doesn't have an official website, Google reviews, or any similar registration like a business ID, be cautious and look for other options!

Information and Verifications

To make B2Colombia an increasingly secure environment for our users, we provide as much information as possible about registered companies, in addition to verification through our B2B Verified service.

You can also obtain additional information about our customers by purchasing a credit and business report from B2Colombia.

We strive to provide transparency about the identity and legitimacy of your future business partners. However, you should understand that disputes can happen between legitimate companies, and it's a fact of the business world, whether you find your business partner on the internet or not. Therefore, B2Colombia cannot guarantee the quality of the products supplied or services provided by each of its customers. See additional details in B2BRAZIL'S DISCLAIMER¹ (SEE BELOW).

If You Suspect Fraud...

There are several actions you can take if you suspect fraud from a party or have a serious disagreement:

Contact the company and arrange a virtual or in-person meeting: in general, this resolves the situation. Most buyers and sellers are honest and reliable, and problems can be solved in a meeting, where communication is much smoother.

If you suspect that the company you are in contact with is a fraud, we recommend informing our team so that we can take appropriate action.

Contact us if you have any suspicions of misuse of our website by any registered company so that we can review the customer's account status and take the necessary action.

Click here and describe the situation.

Safety Tips

You can take various actions to avoid fraud or misunderstandings during your international transactions. Check out some of our tips:

Safety Tips

Suspicious Shipping or Contact Addresses

Pay close attention to shipping or contact addresses located in regions with reported high incidences of online fraud, such as Eastern Europe, West Africa, and Central America.

Beware of Fake Email Addresses

When you receive an email from an unknown sender or whose email address appears legitimate but the email message seems suspicious, you should verify if the email came from the person the sender claims to be.

Frequently Asked Questions from
Our Importers


    Prioritize suppliers with the B2B Verified seal. If the supplier does not have it, request their contacts, investigate their online history, seek reviews from other buyers, and be attentive to their records in their country of origin.

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