
Sebrae Nacional CNA Amazon SPN Shipa Freight Sebrae SP CNI Banco Ourinvest Banco Patagonia Frente Corretora Made in China Abcasa HEPSI SendPulse FreteGlobal

Frequently Asked Questions about
our platform

  • After I register, what next?

    After you successfully register, you will be taken to your account Dashboard. Your account Dashboard is where you can control all aspects of your membership, your presentation on B2Colombia, and where you can utilize B2Colombia to do business from posting leads, to reviewing leads, to responding to messages. You will have multiple options depending on whether you are a Buyer or Seller, and should start with adding information about yourself, your company and your products (if you are a Seller). The center area in your Dashboard shows your progress in taking advantage of our services. As you complete information about yourself, your company and your products, you will be able to see your progress. You can also track the number of leads you have received and number you have read. Finally, you can read and respond to messages.

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