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Abm Com. Internacional Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



Procurement And Deliveries


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Service area:


ABM Comércio Internacional, a Brazilian service company operating in procurement and deliveries, has developed along the years, capabilities to offer to its overseas clients a complete range of services in order to secure their supplies. <br><br>Experienced in dealing with a large number of Brazilian equipment manufacturers, and with the support of specialized professionals, ABM can be at your service for:<br><br>• Searching and contracting appropriate suppliers for your specific need.<br>• Monitoring the production of your orders.<br>• Coordinating logistics, securing necessary documentation and assuring compliance with your purchase terms and conditions.<br>• Maintaining a central link among all parties through our communication systems and multilingual staff.<br><br>In other words, we make sure your order is professionally executed and shipped on time, at a very competitive price.<br><br>

  • procurement
  • deliveries
  • Monitoring
  • Coordinating logistics
  • securing necessary



More about
Abm Com. Internacional Ltda.

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Business type

  • export of equipment
  • spare parts and general consumables for sugar mills and ethanol distilleries

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Plinio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Campinas / SP | Brazil

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