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A Flor do Campo

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



About Us

It is a brand that believes in products with a greater meaning than himself, values the quality of the raw material and creates parts and accessories for free and gentle movements with the female body. The brand was born with the objective of providing comfort and personality, because it believes that artistic pieces have the power to provoke thought, carry knowledge and bring more reflection. The idea is to promote a truer connection between women, our accessories and self-knowledge, an emotional experience, being an invitation to reflect on a more conscious form of consumption, the environmental issue, the meaning of things, as well as, on the values more essential. The parts are developed from the concept of resignification, we care to reuse the leftover materials, reduce the waste generated, creating the accessories from the reuse of materials, in order to encourage a change Behavioral. The earrings, the brand's "flagship", are produced from the reuse of tetrapark packaging and CDs, already for the bags and wallets in addition to the reuse of these materials, cardboard is also used as raw material. In each piece produced by hand, one perceives the care of those who care for every detail, because all pieces are handmade and coated with fabric, mostly African fabrics (capulanas).

Main Markets

  • North America



More about
A Flor do Campo

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Business type
  • Other

  • jewelry
  • exchanges
  • recycling
  • resignification

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Alexsandra ********
  • icone de telefone +55 31********
  • map-marker Betim / MG | Brazil

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