AH International is a trading company, intermediating national manufactures and foreign importers and its proficient in commercial procedures, markets, risks, taxes, transport, hiring and insurance peculiarities, commercial action, funding and cultural aspects of each part of the world. <br><br>With specialization, structure and financial assistance, AH International makes the best business in Brazil and abroad viable. <br>
- trading company
- intermediating national
- foreign importers
- markets
- risks
- taxes
- transport
- hiring and insurance peculiarities
More about
Ah Internacional Ltda. (Brasil Trading)
Not informed
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Not informed
Business type
- foreign trade services trading doing business with suppliers
- purchasing
- administrative processes
- logistics
- planning
- operations
- assistance
- selling
- billing Ver Mais
Contact and location
Rafael ********
+55 31********
Belo Horizonte / MG | Brazil