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Albuquerque Pinto Advogados

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Since 2012



Environmental Law


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Service area:


The environment plays an important role in the contemporary Brazilian legal system. In this context, Albuquerque Pinto Advogados provides legal and institutional assistance to ensure our clients and society the correct application of environmental rules.<br><br>We conduct adequate legal support in the consecution of environmental impact studies, environmental licensing, implementation of programs and projects affecting the usage of natural resources and the quality of the environment.<br><br>Our experts in environmental law also provide support in the consecution of due diligence, contracts and analysis and discussion of indemnity clauses.<br><br>We work alongside our clients to avoid environmental liabilities and when they occur we work in a coordinated manner to ensure our customers choose the best solution and mechanism to mitigate damage.<br><br>Our portfolio of clients in the environmental area is composed especially by companies in the sectors of energy, hospitality, real estate, steel and food. We also act in the structuring of environmental systems for states and municipalities, and formulation of legislative proposals.

  • institutional assistance
  • Environmental Law
  • environmental impact
  • natural resources
  • legislative proposals



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Albuquerque Pinto Advogados

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Business type

  • Law firm
  • juridical practices
  • legal services

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Pedro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 81********
  • map-marker Recife / PE | Brazil

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