Physical Characteristics
Appearance White Crystal Homogeneoussolid powder. Uniform particle.
Color Crystal Sparkling White
Odor Non
Flavor Sweet
Technical Characteristics and Microbiological analysis
RBU “attenuation index units” ASTM 4-1978
Polarization at 20C, 99.80% min.
Ash Content 0.04% max by weight
Moisture 0.04% By weight
Grain size 0.60 mm
Granulation Fine crystal grain
Solubility 100% Dry and Free Flowing
Radiation* Normal W/O Presence of Cesium or Iodine
Color Crystal Sparkling White
Smell Free of odor
Magnetic Particles 4 Mg/Kg Max
SO2 20 Mg/Kg Max
HPN Staph Aureus Nil. Max
Poisonous Phytosanitary Certificate
Sediments None
Reducing Sugar 0.05% Max by weight
Limit of microorganisms in White Sugar
Microorganisms Limit (maximum)
Yeast and Mould 20 cfu/10g
Coliforms 10 cfu/10g
Salmonella 25g
Total plate count 100,000 cfu/10g
Thermophilic bacteria 150 cfu/10g
Flat sour spores 75 cfu/10g
Moderate Thermophilic bacteria 100 cfu/10g
Thermophilic anaerobes not producing H2S 5 cfu/10g
Thermophilic anaerobes producing H2S 5 cfu/10g
Heavy metals
Contaminants Limit (maximum)
Max AS (Arsenic) 1 P.P.M.
Max PB (Lead) 2 P.P.M.
Max CU (Copper) 3 P.P.M.
Shell Life: 24 months from date of Manufacture.
Type of packaging: The product comes in bags fit for human consumption of 50Kg over pallets
Storage Conditions: Dry place is the best.
Threat level:
Skin contact: Harmless
Eye Contact: Causes irritation
Inhalation: Causes mild discomfort
Ingestion: Innocuous
*Radiation: Normal internationally accepted limit without presence of Cesium or Iodine (Certified)
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Within 30 Days
CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight
Packaging Details:
Not informed
More about
Not informed
Not informed
Business type
- Representative / Agent
- Distributor / Wholesaler
- Business Service
- Oil-agricultural-sugar-chickens
Contact and location
Carlos ********
+55 21********
Rio de Janeiro / RJ | Brazil