We have the know-how, the experience and an offering of solutions and services to convert your communication methods into relationship and result channels with your customers. <br><br>OVERVIEW:<br>In today\s dynamic business environment, competition demands higher levels of productivity, adequate infrastructure, administrative efficiency, and agility in business, among many other requirements. While outsourcing of services gains in size and maturity, BPO has emerged as a great leader at the dynamic outsourcing market. <br><br>Through BPO, Atento is attempting to remodel and innovate business processes in an effort to satisfy the customer and make gains in operational efficiency for businesses. Knowledge and expertise not only make such partnership with our clients possible, but also provide consulting services throughout the customer life cycle. <br><br>Atento has been increasingly recognized by the market for its management using a model of respect and trust, where it shares strategic decisions and results of its partnerships with the customer, always respecting confidentiality of information. <br><br>Strategic advantages generated by BPO: <br> Reduced and predictable costs <br> Increased operational efficiency <br> Improved processes <br> Focus on core business <br> Resource Optimization <br> Greater operational flexibility <br> Sharing and transfer of risks <br> State-of-the-art IT infrastructure <br> <br>BPO / CRM:<br>Personalize the relationship with customers, treating each one as if they were special. This is one of the most efficient strategies used in prospecting, satisfying, and maintaining lucrative customers. As a strategic partner to our clients, we offer the most diverse CRM solutions for their relationship strategy throughout the customer\s life cycle. Our experience and structure bring together professionals, processes and technology that enable the offering of such type of advisory service. <br><br>Atento works side by side with your company in structuring a relationship model, regardless of where the customer is. We extract useful information from every contact, in an agile and dynamic manner, lending support to decision making processes and the definition of strategies. We are committed to your businesses results. <br><br>CRM VALUE PROPOSAL:<br> Customer satisfaction <br> First Call Resolution (FCR) <br> Information for decision making <br> Increased sales <br> Effectiveness in the use of channels <br> Reduced per sale costs <br> Greater wallet share <br> <br>WHY CRM WITH ATENTO? <br> Operational structure adheres to the needs of each service <br> Investment in employee training and education <br> Expertise <br> Infrastructure <br> Automation <br> International and local standards and methodologies which guarantee the quality of solutions <br> <br>Atento\s CRM services are comprised of the following: <br> Customer Services <br> Auditing <br> Multi-channel Sales <br> Credit, Risk and Collections <br> Technical Support / Service Desk
- bpo crm
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Atento Brasil S.a.
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+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil