Legal advice and assistance to farmers, agroindustries, trading companies, Brazilian and foreign financial institutions, investment funds focused on agribusiness in crop and cattle farming and agroindustrial projects. <br><br>- Due diligences for the purchase of rural properties<br>- Economic exploitation by rural leases and rural partnerships<br>- Structuring of agribusiness-related financial operations<br>- Formalization of the guarantees used in the financial operations<br>
- Agribusiness
- assistance to farmers
- agroindustries
- trading companies
- Brazilian and foreign financial institutions
More about
Barretto Ferreira, Kujawski, Brancher E Gonçalves Sociedade De Advogados
Not informed
Not informed
Not informed
Business type
- dynamic law firm
- professionals prepared to assist Brazilian and foreign companies
- Business Law
Contact and location
Fernanda ********
+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil