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Bbt Energia Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

BBT Energia is specialized in manufacturing MACHINE TURBOGENERATORS and the implementation of enterprises in the electrical energy sector by means of Micro, Mini and Small Hydroelectrical Centrals.

BBT Energia is also active in developing projects of repotentiation of existing hydroelectrical stations, whether through the replacement of generation units or through its specific patented solutions.

BBT Energia S/C Ltda is Brazilian consultive engineering company conducting projects of electrical energy generation located in the city of Sorocaba / State of São Paulo. It has links to USP, UNIFEI and Consulting the sector energy.

With a differentiated entrepreneurial management policy, BBT Energia’s view and mission is based on the Brazilian social context of the 21st Century. Besides producing electrical energy, BBT Energia’s goals are the promotion of good citizenship, the preservation of the environment and the development of new technologies, thus contributing for a new age in Brazil’s infrastructure scenario.

BBT Energia staff is made up of highly skilled engineers and professionals with over 25 years of experience in the Brazilian electrical sector. Our engineers develop special activities in the diverse areas of engineering.

BBT Energia professionals have given their share in large projects of energy generation such as:
(A) Specific project for Balbina hydroelectric station,
(B) Specific project for Itumbiara hydroelectric station,
(C) Specific project for Salto Santiago hydroelectric station,
(D) Specific project for Porto Raso hydroelectric station,
(E) Specific project for Iguaçu hydroelectric station,
(F) Specific project for Balsas Mineiro hydroelectric station, and
(G) Specific project for Curuá-Una hydroelectric station.

We have also effected proposals to the following hydroelectric and thermoelectric generating enterprises in Brazil and other countries as Colombia and New Zealand, such as:
(A) Proposal for Jacuí thermoelectric station,
(B) Proposal for Balbina hydroelectric station,
(C) Proposal for Pitinga hydroelectric station,
(D) Proposal for Gloria hydroelectric station,
(E) Proposal for Jaguas – Colombia hydroelectric station (* ),
(F) Proposal for New Clyde – New Zealand hydroelectric station (* ).
(*) Stations built to survive earthquakes.



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Bbt Energia Ltda.

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  • icone de usuario Clayton ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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