TYPOGRAPHICAL ACADEMIC TEXTS <br /> Need Text Typing? We type your text, work, CBT or academic article. For this you just need to send the file in PDF or handwritten and we appoint in it for you. Ask us about what more we can do. <br /> TRANSLATION <br /> Translation carried out professionally. Translated from Spanish to Portuguese language. For us translate is to interpret so that the final text grasp what the author meant to write. And for this, it is necessary to observe the culture, the environment and the time when the text was written. <br /> We understand the importance that a translation is for your business or work. So you can count on the professionalism and experience of Bujes Translations. <br /> TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO OR VIDEO <br /> We transcribe audio or video and turn it into text in Word or PDF, or other formats. <br /> This type of work is used for creating content for blogs and for other purposes. <br /> Transcription: <br /> - Speeches; <br /> - Interviews; <br /> - Trainings; <br /> - Meetings. <br /> SUBTITLING <br /> Translated and adapted videos, movies, commercials, short films, corporate videos, music, the Spanish language to Portuguese using professional techniques. <br /> In addition, legendamos leaving your video fit for the hearing impaired. <br /> TRANSLATION AND TRAINING OF PREPARATION <br /> We are trained and experts in the preparation of materials and content for training or online courses and free. <br /> We can also leverage your content and adapt it to achieve its goal of training. <br /> Similarly, you can perform the traducao or version of its courses and training for the language of its employees. This may represent a more economical solution. We present two forms of solutions in this case: TEXT - In this case, we will traducao of all the material in text, delivering the final product in the same way that gave us (eg Word or PDF, etc.) SLIDES - translate the necessary slides and presents some changes of designs and colors, as needed. TRANSLATION BLOGS AND SITES <br /> We perform the translation service articles and institutional texts, blogs and websites. <br /> transcreation <br /> The transcreation is the process of recreating content. The transcreation will adapt the intention of the original text, noting particularities of culture, in order to produce a text that has fluidity in the new language. <br /> This service can be focused on various areas and shapes such as: Blogs and Sites slogans Web texts Creative writing
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