Varietyclothes is an online shop based in China that sells luxury handbags with best quality replicas around the world, including USA, UK and more. You can also buy cheap and good quality clothes from China on my web. My website for wholesale clothing and shoes. If you need a large number of footwear for production apparel or wholesale clothing shoes, please contact me by email, I will answer your question as soon as possible. I can help you produce or sell wholesale clothing, shoes, imitations, etc. at a low price in China. Our payment options are 100% secure with the use of PayPal. We have a non-disclosure rule where no customer information is sold to third parties, so you can safely browse our site. All luxury replica handbags are the first high quality copy of the originals. Then I'll send it by mail.
- Wholesaler of clothing
- wholesaler of shoes
- women's clothing
- handbag replica
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Not informed
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More about
China Vogue roupas e sapatos Wholesale atacado International Trade Co Ltd
0 - 100K
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Distributor / Wholesaler
- Wholesaler of clothing
- wholesaler of shoes
- women's clothing
- handbag replica
Contact and location
Tong ********
+55 11********
Presidente Prudente / SP | Brazil