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Germiterra Produção Com. Exp. De Sementes Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Germiterra was conceived to offer to international market an extensive variety of qualified seeds. Since its foundation the company became prominence in the market where it acts, for the force and tradition imposed through searching continuously the quality and mainly for the operational agility.

Germiterra has as your priority the valuation of its staff, who is highly qualified for each function inside of the operational and administrative processes of the company. This is a goal coming of the trust that employee satisfied and well trained can surpass the expectations of our customers.

The continous improvement of our products comes through resources invested in training, equipment and logistic support, has consolidated our goals with planning and fulfilment of established stated periods.

We believe that only the continuous improvement can bring competitiveness to our products, joining quality and productivity, that are the main requirements of our international markets.



More about
Germiterra Produção Com. Exp. De Sementes Ltda.

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Business type

  • seeds germination pasture

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Celia ********
  • icone de telefone +55 16********
  • map-marker Cajuru / SP | Brazil

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