The Next Step After Language School
This coaching helps executives who are still challenged by English at work — even after business English study in school. While language school can help introduce you to business English, It takes more than classroom study to grasp how English is used in the business world. It takes guidance from a coach with a strong business background. One who can share how to actually do business in English.
Path To Fluent Business English
While language school study alone will not help you reach real-world business English, it can help you build a solid foundation in both general and business English fundamentals. To ensure you gain the core skills you will need for advanced coaching and, ultimately, the business world, Global Business English can advise you and your English teacher on exactly where to focus your language school studies - expediting your learning curve and saving you time and money.
Global Business English also consults company English programs in how to prepare employees for real-world English.
- Business English
- Business English Coaching
- Inglês para negócios
- Shāngwù yīngyǔ
More about
Global Business English
10M - 50M
Sales volume (USD)
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Business type
- Business Service
- Business English
- English Coaching
- Inglês para negócios
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