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Granol Industria Comercio E Exportacao Sa

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Today, almost at its 40th birthday, Granol has become one of the largest and most respectable conglomerates of genuine brazilian agribusiness. It has five industrial units, 17 regional purchasing and warehousing locations, one sea and one river terminals, in addition to the headquarters in São Paulo.

The company employs over one thousand direct workers and has, at its disposal, an annual crushing capacity of 1.9 million tons of grain, refining of 250 thousand tons of crude oil, packed into 250 million units of cans, fibra-packs and PET bottles, and has over 10 thousand active customers.
Aerial view of the Anápolis / GO Industrial Facility.

Granol exports to several countries, using its Port Unit at Vitória/ES, as well as the Santos/SP and Paranaguá/PR Harbors. Its exports represent half of its sales, which amounted to a total of 270 million dollars in 2004. Granol\s essential assets for success are its business virtues: strict fulfillment of promises, fast decisions and unlimited respect to people and the environment. Granol has a capacity of involving people with faith, optimism, determination and cooperation in order to achieve ever more ambitious goals, without neglecting ethics, morality and good relationships with suppliers, customers and employees.

Granol is very proud to be Brazilian.
And it endeavors to make Brazil proud of it.



More about
Granol Industria Comercio E Exportacao Sa

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Business type

  • brazilian agribusiness

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marcelo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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