Has production increased? Do you require more security? Do you require storage for more raw materials? We have a solution! <br><br>GRÜMEY can provide the solution! You contract the space for a specified timeframe. With our services you are able to nominate the specific area /space required. This means economy! It means that you can make use of your capital to invest in the development of your business. The supply! This is our specialty.<br><br>AREA<br>You choose the area to be used. It could be a common area, where some companies share of the same warehouse, or an exclusive area for your products. The important point is that you can only pay for the space you occupy so enabling you to increase or diminish the space as your requirements vary.<br><br>TIME<br>You choose what will be more convenient: Monthly, biweekly, weekly or daily storage.<br><br>INSURANCE<br>The merchandises deposited at GRÜMEY are automatically insured. Through a system of readjustable policies, the supply variations are updated daily to the insurer. Moreover, in the quality of Faithful Depositary we guarantee the merchandise against any species of loss or damage that can occur as per responsibility {Decree Law 1102 of 21/11/1903}.<br><br>CONTROLS<br>They are made through an information system of control of supply with daily update. At any time the balance of the stored merchandises can be requested, which enables you to speed up the decision taking. <br><br>The withdrawal of the merchandises is simple, fast and insurance. Through a signed Order of Withdrawal (O.R.) one specifies the products that will leave the storage area and the merchandise is released.<br><br>EQUIPMENT <br>We work with specialized manpower and we use modern and efficient equipment, such as pilers, forklifts, roll-clamps, rolling, mono-rail bridge, rolling mat, road scale, pallets, door-pallets and river steamers.<br><br><br>ATTENTION: Always looking ahead in the modern market GRÜMEY offers you, beyond the service of storage, new services with modern concepts to optimize the storage and the logistic of your company.<br><br>GRÜMEY has and excellent business record for storage in Rio de Janeiro.<br><br>
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Grumey Sa Armazens Gerais Guardatudo
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Business type
- GRUMEY storage warehouse
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Commercial ********
+55 21********
Rio de Janeiro / RJ | Brazil