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Inversiones Corporativas Tiksi Rumi Sac

Unverified company Unverified company

About Us

Our company offers high quality and state-of-the-art products, both for professional users and home users. We offer a wide selection of products, from personal computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones to printers, storage units, monitors and audio equipment. Among others, in the hardware line we have various products such as power tools, hand tools, construction materials, such as corrugated steels, profiles, ceramic floors, porcelain floors, paints, accessories and other products related to hardware. in the line of office supplies we offer stationery and office furniture: we have a wide variety of stationery and furniture for your office. From pencils and pens to carpentry, tables, chairs and filing cabinets. *Office stationery supplies, and hardware, : We also offer office supplies such as toner, CDs, DVDs, office supplies, etc. We strive to offer reliable, high quality products at the best prices. We offer our customers a 100% satisfaction guarantee as well as a return policy

Main Markets

  • South America



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Inversiones Corporativas Tiksi Rumi Sac

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Business type
  • Importer / Trading Company
  • Business Service

  • Office supplies
  • technology and hardware

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Jefte ********
  • icone de telefone +51 9********
  • map-marker Pucallpa / Ucayali | Peru

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