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Jaguacy Brasil

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

The AVOCADO arrived in Brazil in 1975, by the hand of the agronomist engineer Paulo Roberto Leite de Carvalho.

At first, the project of this rural producer was to plant eucalyptus in rented lands around the city of Bauru. The project failed and stayed only on the paper, so the eucalyptuses were replaced by avocados.

In the beginning, he planted many varieties of avocados, among them, the Fuerte avocado which is harvested until nowadays.

At his wife’s, Maria Cristina Falanghe Carvalho\s, Commercial Director of Jaguacy Company, insistence, the first load of AVOCADOS was shipped to Europe in 1980.

The biggest supplier of the avocado to Europe was Israel, but in that year this country faced serious climatic problems resulting in a big loss of the avocado production. Due to the scarcity of the fruit, the importers tried for the first time the AVOCADO produced in Brazil.

In 1982, the owners of Jaguacy Brasil Company traveled to South Africa in order to know the avocado plantations and the export system. From this trip, Mr. Carvalho brought to Brazil a model of apparatus responsible for classifying fruits. This apparatus was used until 2003, when a new classifying machine was acquired to classify the AVOCADOS by weight through a computer.

In the next year, a packinghouse with a system of packing and refrigerating chambers was built. Previously, the fruits were packed in borrowed packinghouses.

When the structure of Jaguacy Brasil Company was established, the agronomist decided to plant other varieties of avocados to export. So, he started to cultivate the Hass avocado.

In two years with the purpose to reach the external market the producer stopped to cultivate the Antillean avocado, which was known as Tropical avocado, to plant the Hass and Fuerte AVOCADOS.

The Jaguacy AVOCADO was introduced in the national market in 1996. It surprised the consumers who did not know the fruit. In 1999, Jaguacy Brasil Company had already distributed its avocado to the biggest supermarket chains of Brazil, reaching the total of 60 thousands boxes.

In 2005, the farm decided to open the doors to create Jaguacy Brasil Company with the purpose to approximate the producers of AVOCADO and to offer a consulting job about how to produce and commercialize the fruit in the internal and external market. They gather the sales and intensify the change of experiences and the continued search of technology.



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Jaguacy Brasil

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Business type

  • avocado

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Tiago ********
  • icone de telefone +55 14********
  • map-marker Bauru / SP | Brazil

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