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Since 2010



About Us

Metalnox is a leading manufacturer of heat presses, based in Brazil. Metalnox 5. 000 m2 built plant is strategically located in the heart of the main Brazilian textile pole.

About Us
In 2006, after a long research, Metalnox increased its business with the purpose of attending the furniture and decoration market. This new area of Metalnox then started to produce aluminum pullers. Metalnox Puxadores has established itself on the market with a modern and high quality line and improved continuously in manufacturing and selling this product. The pullers became a success and with the increasing demand, Metalnox Puxadores expanded its installations and a new factory with a manufacturing capacity for 10,000 pullers per shift was built.

Click on the photos to enlarge.Practically all the equipment in this plant was manufactured or adapted by the company itself. Metalnox Puxadores is very well structured with management, sales and purchasing, development, design, cutting, drilling, polishing, varnishing, packaging, stock and shipping sectors.

In 2007, again with the purpose of diversifying its product line, Metalnox realized that the market began to use the traditional thermal presses for applications on several new surfaces, besides textiles. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the company launched its own line of supplies for personalization through thermal pressing. Nowadays, the company also offers puzzles, mouse pads, caps, t-shirts, tiles, mugs and a wide range of products that attend the market for promotional gifts.

Now directly present in the promotional gifts market, Metalnox also incorporates presses for advertising pins in its products line, as well as all the supplies necessary to produce them which are imported from Nico Buttons, their Argentinean partner. Confirming this trend, Metalnox inaugurates Brindarte, a store specialized in personalized promotional gifts showing, thus, the versatility of the thermal presses and the quality of the supplies offered by the company. With a wide range of products and without demanding a minimum amount to place an order, the store surprises everyone and is widely approved by its customers.

Nowadays, Metalnox employs approximately 130 well trained and skilled people directly of which 40\% have college degrees or technical courses. The installations offer a pleasant working environment and the company helps, among other things, with scholarships and dental assistance.

In 2006, the company implanted the PPR, a profit sharing program which made all collaborators partners. It also has its own restaurant and recreation center. With the purpose of getting the maximum of synchrony from the plant, Metalnox is divided into management, sales and purchasing, design, milling, foundry, painting, cutting/folding, assembly, warehouse and shipping sectors.

Committed with sustainable production, Metalnox respects the environment and is aware of the importance of nature. These are everyday issues in the company. The company has a station for treatment of effluents and reforestation projects of the available areas. To completely meet the demand of the Brazilian market, Metalnox is the brand of thermal presses with the best concept nationwide.

Metalnox is also present in the international market exporting its products to South, Central and North America and also Europe, Asia and Oceania. Metalnox takes the name of the city where it\s located worldwide by constantly participating of international fairs and events, promoting its products and finding new knowledge and market trends. The company has already participated in fairs in the United States, Germany, Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, Peru, and Spain among others.

Always innovating, meeting customers needs, respecting suppliers and motivating employees, Metalnox completes 25 years of success in the market. And for the next years there are still many projects that are being planned and analyzed with the purpose of enhancing development and bringing wealth to its people. Faithful to its motto: Growing isn\t evolving; growing is becoming larger, evolving is becoming better, the Metalnox family keeps evolving in every way.



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Business type

  • thermal presses

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Joao ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker Jaragua do Sul / SC | Brazil

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