Making use of first line tools , the plastic caps and covers made by MIRVI BRASIL stand out for their detailed design features, adding to customer´s end product value.<br><br>I + D - Innovation and Development<br>An exclusive department of MIRVI BRASIL dedicated to the individual needs of their customer´s. <br><br>Efficient response to each customer´s needs is an everlasting and prior concern at MIRVI BRASIL. There by we develop a cooperative effort between the customer´s technical department and our I + D department, teamed with qualified and committed members. <br><br>Thus, the development of each new product becomes an opportunity for improvement of our operations and an acquired know-how we can then offer the market.
- plastic
- cps
- cover
- mirvi
- mirvi brasil
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Not informed
Not informedPackaging Details:
Not informed
More about
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Not informed
Business type
- plastic
- cps
- cover
- mirvi
- mirvi brasil
Contact and location
Adriane ********
+55 11********
CABREUVA / SP | Brazil