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Since 2015



About Us


Olvebra Industrial S / A is situated in Eldorado do Sul, a municipality in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre

. In its industrial park, with over 100,000 square meters, are installed

factories Food and refining oil. In addition to these divisions, Olvebra has

in São Paulo, the Olveplast, which manufactures plastic packaging.

Oriental Culture Chinese emperor Shen Nung When is attributed to simultaneous paternity of medicine and agriculture, for being the author of a herbarium which lists all the knowledge accumulated in previous millennia. The oldest copy of his writings in existence for nearly 5000 years, and it is appears that the first reliable source of legumes called soy -. One of the five sacred grains along with wheat, rice, barley, and millet

< br /> A pioneer in the industrialization of soy in Brazil

Olvebra for more than 50 years began the cycle of industrialization of soy in Brazil, being the first company in the world to manufacture the soy extract powder. This product is a water-soluble fraction extracted from selected soy beans, previously cleaned and peeled. This process allows obtaining Soy Extract Olvebra hold in its composition, in addition to protein, fiber, isoflavones and fatty acids.
Olvebra uses only non-GMO soy

In to guarantee the functional quality of its raw materials, Olvebra guarantee the origin of non-GM soy used in their products. The company also committed to Greenpeace not to acquire soybeans that have been planted in the Amazon. This practice has caused deforestation that increase existing problems in the world's largest forest.
Foods Health segment

Generating products of recognized quality, the Food Division is present in the market with a line of products for people with special dietary needs such as lactose-free diets, gluten free, protein from animal milk, sugar-free, vegetarian, nutritional education, weight loss, and also to the public who seeks power in a more healthy way of living , thus following the world trends.
Our strict quality control

Throughout its existence, all the company's work has been motivated by the constant search for innovation in the segments in which it operates. This principle led the company to bring the canola oil to the country, which consolidated its image of high end company, pioneer in the manufacture of more sophisticated products and high quality. The production of organic Olvebra is certified under the NOP, EEC and MAP standards.
Products for both retail and industry for

With a range of over 60 items of retail products that meet various dietary needs, Olvebra after research and testing products and functional ingredients, consolidates its participation in the industrial market, introducing an innovative concept for food production, offering a range of over 20 items. These items can be applied in many different products, from milk specialties, proteinaceous fruit juices, meat built up, even past the breads, biscuits, pasta and chocolate industry, not forgetting the typical case of products like tofu.

Main Markets

  • South America



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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • factories food
  • and refining oil
  • manufacture plastic packaging
  • high quality

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Paulo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Eldorado do Sul / RS | Brazil

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