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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2018



About Us

"The QUITANDA emerged from a dream of make a conscious fashion, intelligent and that value human roots. All the experience that I had with fashion until now was in the convencional industry (as Fordism), but not just becouse I wish a changing, but also becouse the planet and the society doesn´t sustain an exacerbated consumerism with products so volatile and disposable, came the idea of creating products like this.
After a travel to Canoa Quebraca-CE, were I met an artisan called Chêcho who was doing beautifull leather bags sewed by hands ( an acessorie to last years, or for a whole life if well cared), I realize that an product, more than fashion it needs to show
the personality of someone and better than that, it needs to last, and do not fray so fast (becouse you can buy another one, right? *sarcasm*). So I start to think, where does go all this trash that we are producing with this industrialized fashion? And so I decided: I don't want to make part of this anymore, I decided to criate usefull products, that had an meaning, that were pretty but more than that, could be used until the person wear out of it (instead of degrading) and after that the object could be passed on to another person, becouse and product of quality and made of a durable material doesn't need to be discarted. Value the human roots also was an wish, becouse: How to make an unique product if it is made in a standardized way by machines? And that why I choosed: The Quitanda products will be cutted by people, sewed by hands e finished by hands. Doing this I also feel like I'm doing something for the local economy, valuing the handicraft... This is QUITANDA, brazilian brand, handcrafted, with quality and durable style!

Main Markets

  • South America



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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • leather
  • bag
  • fashion
  • style
  • handcrafted
  • brazilian
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Ana ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker Joinville / SC | Brazil

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