In 1991, RESITEC CHEMICAL INDUSTRY LTD., A traditional producer of rosin and its derivatives with headquarters in the city of Duque de Caxias in the state of Rio de Janeiro, acquired a small manufacturer of tall oil installed in the City of Costa Otacílio currently Palmeira, in Santa Catarina called BRASILAC CHEMICALS LTD. Later the Brasilac became a subsidiary of Resitec.
Later, through a process of partial division of RESITEC, a subsidiary of Santa Catarina was transformed into a new company with the current name of RESITOL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY LTD. adding to it a new partner, as discriminated in the register. The subscription of shares in the new member RESITOL Braido agrochemical LTDA, was made through checking of its assets consist of a modern plant acidulation of tall oil, and properties adjacent to the RESITOL.
The Resitol, since its foundation, has been working primarily with two product lines, the Crude Tall Oil (CTO), and Distilled Tall Oil (DTO). Because the Brazilian market is very limited for these products, which leads to Resitol exporting to various countries like USA, South Africa, Netherlands, New Zealand and Japan
The basic raw materials for manufacture of tall oil is coming from the pulp mills, as a byproduct or waste. It is the soap resin obtained from pine wood processing for pulp production. Providing, therefore, of the basic raw materials, cellulose soap, tall oil, and pitch obtained from the distillation of tall oil.