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Seva Engenharia Eletronica S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Founded in 1993 with headquarters in Contagem (MG), Seva Engenharia Eletrônica S / A is a company that develops technology for manufacture of electronic devices. Grounded in developing technologies for the automotive market, the company has become since 2001 had an important role the development of control systems and fleet tracking, positioning itself today as one of the most important business-generating technology in monitoring the country.

In 2002, Seva began to act in the market for alternative fuels. What began as a partnership with the company Devel, after two years became a single company and its products to Seva has its own line of components specially developed for vehicles to Natural Gas Vehicles (CNG).

With growth and the constant quest for innovation and technological solutions, the company has been acquiring more new markets, then led by the multinationals. Today, Seva covers the entire national territory, and the Mercosur countries.

Mission: The company has a natural vocation and primary mission the development, manufacture and marketing of modern and technically innovative solutions, but while practicing cost viable, thus trying to meet all market expectations.

We have the technology: For Seva, giving customers new technologies and innovations is a challenge. The search in these values is what moves our professionals. We are a company with technology, listen to the future of communications between devices. Our professionals not only develop products but are concerned to offer our customers the ease in day to day, working with technologies compatible to the most important devices on the market as a Smart Card, SmartMedia, Transponder, Microcontrollers, DSP, GPS and Bluetooth , and optical devices for instrumentation and control.



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Seva Engenharia Eletronica S.a.

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Business type

  • electronic devices fleet tracking control systems gps alternative fuels

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Geraldo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 31********
  • map-marker Contagem / MG | Brazil

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