Survival Languages is a company which specializes in the teaching of languages, business English, business Spanish, and Portuguese for foreigners, among others, and teaches everything executives need to communicate in this global world and deal with daily affairs in their company. <br><br>More specifically, our courses include:<br><br>Portuguese for Foreigners: We have teachers who specialize in the teaching of Portuguese for foreigners from several countries, helping them communicate and learn with emphasis on pronunciation.<br><br>Survival Business English Program: This personalized course is meant for the executive who needs to communicate in global world, by using real everyday issues in your company, such as globalization, leadership, case study, meetings, presentation techniques, etc. <br><br>Español Conversación: Our natural, communicative learning method emphasizes pronunciation and the global scope of the language. The student learns by listening to native teachers from “hispanohablantes” countries. <br><br>TOEIC ® Test of English for International Communication: TOEIC is an examination specially designed for the student who works in the corporate environment.
- language courses
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Survival Languages & Translations
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- languages translation
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Jaqueline ********
+55 11********
Barueri / SP | Brazil